PO Box 194, Mardela Springs, MD 21837 443-235-6815
PO Box 194, Mardela Springs, MD 21837 443-235-6815
Signed in as:
We believe that the Lower Eastern Shore (with emphasis on western Wicomico County) has a rich 300 year history to tell to those who visit here. We are committed to tell that story to all ages, to those native to this area or to visitors or recent residents, and to present that story through the places, artifacts, and stories of their life experiences, seen in written records, pictures and the arts.
In 1984 a group of residents of the western part of Wicomico County in Maryland, intent on preserving the rich history of this area and passing it on to younger generations, met and began the process of forming a non-profit organization that would accomplish that goal. We are a non-profit organization, with an EIN identification number, and donations are accordingly eligible for federal and state non-taxable status.
Since our start, the group has grown but their objectives remain focused on that original goal. To meet that goal, we have 5 more specific goals:
Westside Historical Society was formed in 1985 by citizens of the western part of Wicomico County in an effort to preserve the rich history and cultural heritage of this part of the lower Eastern Shore of Maryland, and to that end now engages in a variety of programs and events. Our focus is on that part of the County originally identified as the voting district of “Barren Creek” (presently encompassing the towns of Mardela Springs, Athol, Riverton, San Domingo, and Sharptown) as well as Hebron, Quantico, and Nanticoke and villages in the area.
A broad cross-section of the population attend events sponsored and produced by the Society, ranging from local school children, farmers and watermen, to artists and professionals, and all who share a concern for and dedication to the preservation of the area’s history and culture.
We work with other heritage organizations locally and in the area, including the Adkins Historical Museum & Complex, in Mardela Springs, Pemberton Hall Foundation and Pemberton Historical Park, Nanticoke Watershed Alliance, Hebron Train Station Museum, Ward Museum, Quinton Foundation, the Lower Eastern Shore Heritage Council, Wicomico Preservation Trust, MAC Inc. for the Lower Shore, Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, and more. Students from Salisbury University and Mardela Middle and High School have worked as interns in the Barren Creek Heritage Museum.
Achieving our goals of preserving and promoting our heritage has been assisted by grants from Md. Historical Trust, Preservation Maryland, Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, and the Lower Eastern Shore Heritage Council, and Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, among others. In 2006 Westside Historical Society was awarded the Heritage Award by the Lower Eastern Shore Heritage Council for outstanding work in preservation of our history and culture.
Westside Historical Society office and a Local History/Family History Library are located in Mardela Springs MD. at 413 Main Street, and in the same building is the Barren Creek Heritage Museum. WHS also owns and makes available to the public the historic Barren Creek Springs Church [1842] and the Barren Creek Spring House, central focus of the mineral water spa town of Barren Creek Springs. The Board of Directors and officers of the Society meet quarterly; meetings are open to members, and to visitors by request.
The Society is recognized for federal tax purposes as a 501c3 non-profit organization, and is registered with the Maryland Dept. of State as a Maryland Charity.
Sylvia Bradley, Executive Director
Liz DeGroat
Vicki Ewalt
Donna Bennett
Robert Freeman
Claudia Hudson
Michael Murray
Joyce Phillips
Daisy Rose
Treasurer: Dora Bailey
Membership Chair: TBA
Volunteer Coordinator: TBA
Accessioning Chair: Joyce Phillips
Gift Shop Coordinator: TBA
Social Media Coordinator: Vicki Ewalt
Website Administrator: Vicki Ewalt
Family History Instructor: Dr. Ray Thompson
Our focus for heritage research, preservation, and promotion continues to
be on all of the western part – the Nanticoke River watershed part - of Wicomico County.
Our Board of Directors and officers represent this area, as well.
Our “base of operations” is the small town of Mardela Springs, and since 1984 we have come to own and operate four properties shown below.
The historic Barren Creek Springs Presbyterian Church built in 1848. Located at 110 Main Street, Mardela Springs, MD 21837.
The equally historic Barren Creek Spring House near the Church and built ca. 1860. Located at 110 Main Street, Mardela Springs, MD 21837.
The Barren Creek Heritage Museum is housed in the first floor of the Westside Historical Society building at 413 Main Street. In the Museum and Library, as in most of our programs and events, our focus remains on the western part of Wicomico County, MD.
The Administrative Office & the Family History Research Library are located on the second floor of 413 Main St. In the Museum and Library, as in most of our programs and events, our focus remains on the western part of Wicomico County, MD.
We can offer guided tours built from local historians and welcome you to our museum that we have established with preserving our local history, a priority in the community.
Mailing address:
PO Box 194,
Mardela Springs, MD 21837
Museum & Library Hours:
*Call us to schedule a visit.